We assist clients throughout Newcastle who suffer from shoulder pain
Due to its high level of mobility, the shoulder is one of the most often injured joints in the human body. Injuries to the shoulder can be wear and tear related from the cumulative effects of overuse, heavy lifting, poor technique or bad postural habits; or they may result from trauma.
Why Choose Hunter Physio Sports Clinic To Treat Your Shoulder Injury
The physiotherapists at Hunter Physio Sports Clinic in Newcastle have the skills and expertise to address all your shoulder injuries, whether they be post-operative, wear and tear, or from a fall or trauma.
Understanding the Shoulder Joint
The shoulder joint needs to be strong, yet be very mobile at the same time. The shoulder is made up of three joints. The Scapulothoracic, the acromio-clavicular and the most important joint, the glenohumeral joint (or “ball and socket” joint as it is commonly known).
The ‘rotator cuff’ is a group of very important muscles which stabilise the shoulder joint and hold the ball in the socket. These muscles can be prone to injury and unfortunately can lead to poor mechanics around the shoulder if not working well. Retraining these muscles, in addition to those that control your shoulder blade motion, are a vital component to rehabilitating your shoulder injury.
Injuries to the Shoulder
Tears and tendinopathies commonly occur in the shoulder region and require a specific diagnosis and management plan.
Shoulder dislocations and subluxations are another group of injuries that the physiotherapists at Hunter Physio Sports Clinic have experience in managing. Some people’s shoulders are more prone to these types of injury due to the excessive stretch and mobility in their connective tissue.
An acute dislocation occurs when the humerus pops out of the socket, most commonly seen in contact sports such as football or rugby. If severe, surgical stabilisation may be required.
What to Expect at Your First Appointment
The physiotherapists at Hunter Physio Sports Clinic will conduct a thorough assessment of your shoulder injury at your initial appointment. It is likely they will need to assess your movements and the strength of your shoulder. A number of specific clinical tests will be used to assess the integrity of structures such as the labrum, rotator cuff muscles, ligaments and tendons. This gives the physiotherapist the best chance to give you an accurate diagnosis of your condition and to devise the best treatment plan for you.
Best Shoulder Injury Treatments
Based upon your diagnosis, you will be guided towards the best shoulder injury treatment options. Treatment may include a variety of manual techniques such as: muscle or facial release, stretching, joint mobilization or dry needling. Sometimes your neck and thoracic spine may also be reviewed. Taping may also be offered to give temporary support or stability during your rehab, to assist recovery and to prevent further injury occurring. Occasionally referral for imaging such as MRI or x-ray may be required to obtain more information about your injury.
Individualised Shoulder Rehab
Rehabilitation of the shoulder joint is a complex and individualised process.
Our physiotherapists will guide you towards the right exercises for your condition.
These exercises will likely be aimed at some or all of the following (pending your condition) ; improving the way the bones and joints move (bio mechanics), improving rotator cuff strength, improving your scapula stability and/or improving the way the nerves and muscles work together.
Whilst shoulder rehabilitation may start with home exercises, it will eventually be incorporated into your sport or usual gym/exercise program so that your injury does not return.
What We Treat
The physiotherapists at Hunter Physio Sports Clinic are able to assist you with all your shoulder rehabilitation needs for injuries such as:
- Supraspinatus Tendinopathy / Tendinitis
- Dislocated Shoulder
- Rotator cuff Tendinopathy/ Tendinitis
- Labral tears
- Biceps Tendinopathy/ Tendinitis
- Sub-Acromial Bursitis
- AC Joint Injury
- Impingement Syndrome
- Sub Acromial Decompression
- Swimmer’s Shoulder
- Shoulder Laxity
- Rotator Cuff Repair
- Bicep Tenodesis
- Frozen Shoulder / Adhesive Capsulitis
- Winging Scapula
- Neural /Brachial Plexus Injuries
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Shoulder Subluxation
- Labral Repairs
- Shoulder Stabilisation Repair
Book Appointment Live Online
To book an appointment to see a Physiotherapist at Hunter Physio Sports Clinic who can assist you with your shoulder pain, please Book Online or call the practice on 4965 3511.