We’re your ankle and foot physiotherapy specialists in Newcastle
Complex Anatomy
In the foot and ankle; there are many bones, ligaments, muscles and tendons in a compact area; making this area particularly vulnerable to injury. The foot and ankle may become injured via an overuse mechanism, such as long distance running and marathon training, or it is also susceptible to acute injuries such as a lateral ligament sprain, more commonly known as a “sprained ankle”.
We Love To Treat Ankles
Foot and ankle injuries are one of the most common presentations to Hunter Physio Sports Clinic.
High Risk Sports
Injuries to the foot and ankle commonly occur at work or in normal daily activities; however; people who participate in high intensity sports such as football, soccer, netball, tennis, gymnastics and dancing are more likely to suffer an injury to this part of the body.
Expert Foot and Ankle Physio
At Hunter Physio Sports Clinic, we have the expert physiotherapists skills to treat and assess all foot and ankle injuries. We are also able to refer you on for further investigations (such as X-Ray and MRI) if we feel there may be a fracture or other structural injury occurring.
Some of the more common injuries we treat at Hunter Physio include:
- Inversion Ankle Sprains (Rolled Ankle / Lateral Ankle Sprain)
- Achilles Tendinopathy / Tendinitis
- Shin Splints
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Stress Fractures
- Avulsion Fractures
- Metatarsalgia
- Achilles Tendon Rupture and Repair
- Heel & Foot Pain in Young Athletes
At Hunter Physio Sports Clinic, treatment of your ankle or foot injury will include a combination of “hands on” and exercise based treatment techniques; including
- Joint mobilisation
- Stretching
- Soft tissue massages and releases
- Biomechanical correction ( correction of foot and leg movement and alignment patterns)
- Orthotic prescription
- Sports – Specific Strengthening
- Provision of crutches if required
- Provision of braces or cam- walker boots to effectively manage your injury
- Referral for MRI or X-ray
- Referral to specialists if indicated
Our detailed approach to treatment and rehabilitation is particularly effective at resolving some of the more difficult ankle and foot conditions.
Sprained Ankle
The most common form of ankle sprain is an inversion injury (rolling the foot in) thereby causing injury to the ligaments on the outside of the ankle. Damage occurs when the ligaments are stretched beyond their normal length and can’t withstand the forces placed on them.
Grades of Sprain
The extent of injury can vary and is classified into three grades:
Grade 1: Stretching of the ligament
Grade 2: Partial rupture of the ligament
Grade 3: Complete rupture of the ligament
Symptoms of Acute Ankle Sprain
Symptoms can be immediate or delayed and may include:
- Difficulty / inability to weight bear
- Pain
- Swelling / Bruising
- Decreased movement
Start Ankle Physio Early!
Early intervention can decrease recovery time. It is imperative to start ankle physiotherapy soon after an ankle sprain, the next day, if possible to decrease pain, swelling and bleeding around the injury and maintain your movement, thus facilitating your return to sport and daily activities as soon as possible.
Professional Assessment
Assessment by one of the physios at Hunter Physio Sports Clinic involves using clinical testing to determine the grade of the ligament injury, and any associated bony or soft tissue damage, and allows us to assist in pain management and ongoing rehabilitation.